Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Teenage Version 2.0

Reeling from the excitement of hearing that there's a new Kylie album coming out shortly and that therefore, there is a god; I'm having a good day. It's raining, and usually that only excites the surly teenagers because apparently it's a good thing when your mascara runs down your face. It's not panda-eyes, it's a fashion statement.

Clearly, I have become old.

Just ask my sister. She's 14 and totally cool. You know, I understand the whole "emo" thing, but at the same time I don't believe in it. All that has happened is that somebody has branded teenage angst, and made an empire. very clever.

The whole thing was said best by this guy on public address.

Anyway I love messing with my sister and her buddies by sending cd's that were cool in the 90's but not mentioning that. Madam received a gift recently of the new Garbage best-of. It's very cool. I bought it for myself, and while listening to it I realised that it could totally pass as "emo" music, other than the fact that it's sung by an angry woman rather than a whiny boy.

I sent it, and apparently now Garbage are a hot new emo band that rock. For kids that supposedly live on the internet, they're easily fooled, aren't they?

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