Friday, October 12, 2007

there's magic in rainbows

Thanks, Radiohead. Your new album is lovely.

It's really cool- released without the restraint of a record label, yet with the awareness and cretive boundaries of an artist who knows they have to eventually sell it to one.

Radiohead released their new album "in rainbows" on the internet, both as a rather expensive yet special box set, and on MP3 format. For the digital copy, punters can pay "whatever they think it's worth".

How could I know what it's worth before hearing it? If it's like "Hail to the Thief", or "OK Computer", or "the Bends", then it's worth selling my grandmother for. However if it's the sort of rambling bullshit of "Amnesiac", then I wouldn't pay a cent.

So I downloaded it and paid nothing.

Some people have praised Radiohead for sticking it to the man, and have paid up to US$1000 for it. Others, like me, are cheap-asses. Some people had the guilts and paid full cd price for it, only to be pissed off because MP3 quality is not as good as cd. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT???

I figured that if I liked it, I would buy it once it gets released on CD in stores. And of course, that's what they're going to do, they're aiming for January.

Of course they're currently in negotiation with the big four record companies.

Very clever! Get the hype, get some data on how many people would buy the album, then negotiate with the record companies. Unfortunately, there will be some very pissed off fans who have already paid for the album and don't want to pay for it again!

I, however, love the album. It's wicked. It's like they took all the best bits from their previous work, and mashed it up into this lovely album of niceness. It's not whiney, it's not depressing, it's not even all that political. It's just good ol' Radiohead doing what they do, and well.

I highly recommend everyone downloads this album. Just don't pay for it :)

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